Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some Christmas Pictures

Thought I would share some Christmas pictures, Enjoy!
Our Christmas tree, "enhanced" but yes this was out tree.
Present from Santa for one special little princess.
Present from Santa, our little drummer boy
Fun opening presents!!!
Proud Oregon Duck fan, my MOM :)
A gift for both of them to enjoy :)
and last but not least...
My Nephew, wearing his Christmas present from my daughter :)
Hope everyone had a great Christmas, thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Special Ornaments

Everyone should have a special ornament to hang on the tree. It creates such a memory and makes decorating the tree just a lil more special.
These as you can tell are my kids first ornaments . Both have a bear theme...hmm maybe all of theirs will. They are still young so I have time to decide that :) They also each have a silver bell ornament with their first initial on it. Putting up these ornaments is like getting to unwrap a early present especially to my daughter. She was so happy to hang her own on the tree. Being the oldest she also gets to put the star on the tree, it's cute to see my husband lift her up to put it up there.


This is one of a dozen of my porcelain angels. I begged my mom for them when I was an adult with my own Christmas tree. I need to research it a bit more but these angels are my lil bit of vintage for the holidays as they are keepsakes from before my mom was born. I'm not really sure how old they are but for me they are a huge connection between my grandma and me (as far as I know she bought them.)
Do you have a special ornament? I'd love to hear about it

Thursday, December 10, 2009

pin curls, a lil better this time.


I was not 100% pleased with this attempt and I know what I am doing wrong but still not bad turn out. What do you think?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Springfield Christmas Parade

I have been going to the Springfield Christmas Parade since I was a little girl. Growing up in a small town like Springfield Oregon it is just one of the staples of childhood around here. I was in it several times for Girl Scouts. I could tell you horror stories about walking in the "oldest and coldest parade in the North West." Today it was only 33 degrees outside but at least it didn't rain or hail :)

Springfield is a small town but we can throw a pretty good parade. Although most of the entries are either old cars or logging trucks.
covered wagon,christmas parade,springfield oregon


christmas parade,cars,decorated cars

Thurston Caberet,springfield oregon,Thurston High School

This cute dog got tired of the parade quickly

And of course what would a Christmas Parade be with out Old St. Nick?
Santa,springfield oregon,christmas parade

I'm looking forward to posting a lot more about Springfield and the surrounding area in the next year. I hope you enjoyed my little glimpse of the Springfield Christmas Parade.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Donna Reed Wanna be

Ah the perfect family. Growing up I stayed up so very late in elementary school to watxh nick at night and the Donna Reed Show. How perfect was she? Pretty dresses, pretty hair always had dinner ready and a clean house and entertained guest. She was the perfect mom and I SOOOOOOO wanted to be her. Still do! Not realistic for todays day and age but wouldn't it be nice if we could just make it look this simple and perfect????

Sunday, November 15, 2009

pin up attempts

I will continue to try, maybe this blog will some day reflect my growth into style lol. Again inspired I took to trying to put my hair up in pin curls!

So much harder then it looks!

Butt... I was successful at doing my sisters hair!
So what did I learn this time???It's easier to mess with someone else's hair (especially since her hair is much shorter and will take a curl!) and once again my hair is way way too long. Maybe I should try to cut my own hair next...what kind of disaster could I do to myself?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

little darling

Tonight I had the whim to try my hand at some portraits. I had my tall hubby hang our good white sheet ( A really fancy sheet that we received as a wedding present that we thought was too nice to ever use LOL ) played with some lighting a bit and went to work so to speak. My son is a little too squirly to sit still for mommy pictures just yet so I got very few of him but my 6 year old photo diva is always willing to put up with me :) especially since I let her "dress up."
As I started to download the pictures and use my favorite free editing tool...we can't all own Photoshop, it prompted me that there was a new beta available! Yippie I was as giddy as a child at Christmas!!!! So I did a few of my normal tricks to see what the difference was. Here is two of my attempts.
Nothing spectacular had changed, they updated a few of the graphics but didn't add any tools...I guess what can I really ask for free? If anyone wants to know what I use or how I do the little graphics I do... feel free to ask.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween '09


Hope everyone had a great halloween!!I woke up at 3:30 a.m. just so I could do my hair for work (I work at 5 am pacific time so all you people on the east coast can have a 800 number and talk to someone who's first language is English.) I was a little disapointed that more co-workers did not dress up. It's the one time a year you can act like a kid again and be someone else for a day...why wouldn't you want to do that? So my quest for a 50's dress that would fir me didn't work out that great. Lots of 70's dresses near hippi town here (Eugene) but 50's was harder to come by. The ones I did find were too small for me...hmm wonder if I should start a little etsy shop? So I went to walley world and found a button up dress for $10 as well as a really cute garter belt :)

I had a lot of fun taking the kids trick or treating, Aren't they adoreable?


Hope everyone had a really great Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

victory rolls ???


So as I have already said I like the pin up look, but have never really mastered it myself. Last night I got a wild hair to try it. I wanted to blog about it and what came up to this. After watching several tutorials on you tube and some failed tries this is what i have discovered. Let me tell you that I have tried almost all the tutorials. Even the "cheating ones" to where they are feau victory rolls. My hair is extremely long , well too long for my taste at the moment. So i started to think none of the conventional ways would work for me. It took about an hour for my original bangs post I did a while back and even that did not turn out quite the way I wanted to. I have several splint ends right now to so just looping and rolling my hair around my fingers the authentic way was getting really sloppy.

I came across a tutorial where a girl used foam curlers and hid them well enough in her hair that she still got the look of the victory roll but my hair is also extremely thin. So every time I tried this technique I could not hide the curler as much as i tried.I also saw several tutorials with girls who just twisted their hair so it looked like victory rolls. This also did not work for me because with thin hair comes flat volume less hair. *sigh* so I was frustrated.

Then one night while playing with my hair I finally figured out a technique that just might work. Instead of starting at the base of my hair "the vintage way" I grabbed the section of my hair that i needed and used one hand to hold up the hair putting the section of hair in between my fingers (think "live long and prosper"). then i would wrap the hair around two of the fingers not to tight but not too loose. I needed room to pull my fingers out but still be able to hold the curl...tricky and hard to do I admit. Probably the long way too and if you do not get it the first couple of times your arms get really tired of being on top of your head. Pin like crazy and spray with hair spray. Since my hair is really long I did not roll my hair all the way up. i had a little over an inch on each side that I had to pin back...but here is my end result.

If anyone has some suggestions on how I can do this better and faster I would really appreciate it. I will be going as a pin up girl trick or treating with my kidlins so there will probably be another set of pictures next week.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'll get the hang of posting these the right way eventually. Any way that cute little "comic strip" was during our trip to Lone Pine Farms about 3 miles outside of Eugene. This place is great and I jumped at the chance when my work decided to throw a little event there. On any given weekend the place is packed. There are hayrides, photo ops, tons of stuff to do and see. For the older folk there is a haunted hotel and a haunted corn maze.


Last year I ventured there with the kids by myself...huge mistake it was so stressful to try to keep both kids entertained and out of trouble. I was thnakful to have brian with me this time.


I didn't start going to pumkin patches until I was in high school but have been trying to go every year since. It is so much fun and I highly recomend it...a whole lot better then picking that perfectly round one in the cardboard box at the grocery store. Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My day at the cemetery

I know a lot of people that don't like cemeteries. Even more would think I am a weirdo to even want to hang around one, especially taking pictures in it and not knowing a single soul that was buried there...personally. But I am drawn to cemeteries for a few different reasons. So let me explain my favorite way by sharing these pictures.

#1 History!
Take for instance these pictures I took yesterday at the Eugene Masonic Cemetery.

The more notable historical pictures in that selection above start with the bottom picture, the first settler and namesake of Eugene. The Abbey pictured in the middle was modeled after a roman mausoleums and inside they have a time capsule that is not to be opened until was put there by the Masons in can only imagine what might be in there! The top left picture is really sad. Somewhere in that bit of forest is supposed to be the remains of Wiley Griffen one of who knows how many African Americans that actually lived in our area years and years ago. There is no marker to remember him and I think that is a huge problem...but a common problem at this cemetery, I will explain why in a little bit.

#2 The stones
Tombstones not only tell who a person was and how long they lived but some of them are so ornate that they really are just interesting to look at.

I tried to make the dedication on the one stone easier to really is sad and beautiful at the same time and reminds me of the dedication to Hero in Much Ado About Nothing.

But alas...The Eugene Masons have a lot of work on their hands. They started restoring this cemetery about ten years ago it had not been taken care of in years. I remember the first time I stumbled upon it driving around town on a dark night and seeing tombstones on the side of the hill. It scared me at first. The next time I found it was a couple of months later in the day had wild grass and bushes all over the place and you could not tell how big it actually was. Yesterday was the first time in the last ten years that I was actually able to explore the cemetery with my sister. I liked it of course but then was really disappointed to see the condition of some of the headstones.

I circled the stones in the pictures that were hidden behind brush. It is so sad to see how this cemetery seemed to have gotten forgotten through the years...and the "non historical people" are not kept up??? That is what I call disrespectful. I plan on putting my name down to volunteer next time they do clean up but it probably will not be until next spring/ summer.

Slightly off subject I also stopped by this fireplace on the north side of Skinner's Butte. Thought I would share these pictures too because it's still kind of interesting.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day at the Oregon Coast

50 miles west of Eugene is Florence Oregon. Florence is not as popular as Newport or Tillamook but it isn't a city to miss either.

The one bad thing about most of Oregon's coastal beach access parks is that you have to pay, usually about $5. When most people think of going to the beach though they think of nice warm weather...not so much here. It's most of the time very windy and cold. It's best to bring jackets but we also brought kites.

Seeing as how we didn't have the kids with us and we haven't been kids ourselves in what seems to be forever we decided that kites would be a great idea! Too bad we forgot how to put them together :( My sister Shari and my kite not only decided to rip very badly but they decided to spin rather then fly and get tangled husband's kite (he choose Bumble Bee from Transformers) flew like a pro! And to think we made fun of his choice at first.

We also visited Sea Lion Caves, a must see at least once to get over your curiosity but only once if you can help it, the access price for this is $12 a person and for a trip down a almost 50 year old elevator 200 feet down to the cave...well that is your call. Not for the faint of heart but before they installed the elevator you had to climb down stairs , I think that would have been worse. I pay mainly for the photo ops! The adorable Sea Lion statue and the most photographed lighthouse in the west ! Heceta (pronounced ha see ta) is interesting but I chose not to venture up the coast any further...would like to take the kids to that one.
Then we went to the Three Rivers Casino, or what I like to call it the ATM.I spent $21 and walked out of there with $240 :) (my hubby won $99 and my sister LOST $60) So today I went and bought myself a new camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So hope to be posting a lot more blogs here soon !

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy B day Boo!


Wednesday is Brian's 29th time flies! I'm excited because we get to go to the casino on the 6th to celebrate...still wish I had a camera to document it though...sigh maybe Christmas. But Happy B day Boo!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

my thoughts on blogging

So i feel almost like this is a wast of e-space for me to write this short little blog but i felt the desire to post my opinion on my blogger experiance thus far. I used to blog to get my emotions out...although poetic eventually got me in a little trouble with my husband. I came across Casey's Elegent Musings in July and that opened my eyes to the world of wonderful ladies who are brave enough to live life vintage and blog about it and have these wonderful etsy shops and I just got so excited i follow Strawberry Koi vintage and Vixen Vintage and Oh kirby...all are wonderfully gorgeous and write such interesting articles . So i was inspried to write my own, I enjoy photography and photo editing but am not vintage lol at least not outwordly. So I have to admit I have been getting a little upset everytime I check my blog to see I have no followers and as far as i can tell a couple people have looked at my blog.

I know blogging is not a popularity contest but please if you are looking at this blog, even just passing by, leave a little comment. I like sharing my photos and memories but if no one is enjoying it with me then well, its a little sad. Thanks

Monday, September 7, 2009

one last summer memory


Since I had to wait until i had money to develop the disposable cameras i used at the Portland Zoo I didn't have these pictures in the goodbye summer blog. yes i spelled disposable wrong on the picture because I hate point and clicks, how are you supposed to get a decent picture with these ancient things lol. I used to think i was good at taking pictures hmmm...can't wait til I get a camera!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

goodbye summer

goodbye summer

I had a fun summer and so did the kids... too bad my camera had to suffer for it. Oh well I will have a new camera soon ..... hopefully!

summer collage

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A few miles away (Sahalie Falls)

sahalie falls oregon

I was inspired by one of the blogs I subscribe to. I didn't ask her permission to say who it was so I will leave that out for right now...not too many people read my blog right now anyway. Getting off track!

Anyway, the whole idea is that just driving a little ways here in my home state of Oregon you can see such amazing sights. This particular water fall is one of at least 15 I know of and have visited in the last 6 years. I used to call it waterfall hunting it was so fun to pack my daughter in the car and go looking for waterfalls. Wether we found them just by drving down a major freeway or going down a service road. They never disapoint.

I think I will highlight Sahalie falls in this entry. Mainly because of my computer crash in dec 07 I lost almost all the other pictures i had of waterfalls in and around Lane County.Here is a geneal information link about the falls.

My memories of the falls started when I was really young, maybe 5 or 6 years old as a pit stop on our way out to sisters to see a rock garden. (exciting huh). I had been there several times since. Once when it was completely surrounded by snow which is pretty much 60% of the year since it is up in The Cascades. This is one of the most photographed waterfalls in Oregon and if you have ever watched the movie Homeward bound, the cat~ Sassy goes supposibly goes over this same waterfall.

I took this photo of Sahalie the last time we visited which was actually last summer , some great memories.
family at sahalie falls

Monday, August 24, 2009

memories of the county fair

county fair

Ahh memories of the county fair growing up...testing my bravery by going on the scary rides, elephant ears, great music- all together a lot of fun!

These were taken last year, we are going to try to go to the state fair this year...even bigger and better :)

Last year they had Alaskan racing pigs and my daughter was picked as a section leader for the pig named strawberry. Strawberry won! They gave my daughter a ribbon for picking the winning pig....hmm next time i should take her to the track. JUST KIDDING!!!

So to see if i get any comments hehe, what is your favorite memory of the county fair? Did you ever go to one?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Here's looking at you kid!

This is my son Brighton. He was born in March of 2007. He is my miracle and the reason why I smile every morning...Good thing I named him such a cheerful name :)
I had 3 miscarriages in between my daughter and him. By my third miscarriage I was doing everything in my power to make sure that he would stay. Every night I asked him to stay with me. A little pathetic maybe but if you have ever had a miscarriage and really wanted to keep the baby then you know how it feels.
After he was born I was still a little paranoid and put a mirror over his bassinet to make sure he was still breathing at night.
I love both my kids equally, every mom says that and deep down they really mean it even though it doesn't always show. Now that I have my boy and my girl...I don't need any more...they complete me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

my nifty doo!

50's hair

After watching several tut.s on you tube by 2 of my favorite bloggers I just had to try doing one myself. I have long fine hair so I am lucky if i get my hair to curl but i was really proud of how this turned out...let me know what you think.

Friday, August 14, 2009

i want my ring back

Figured i would put this out there. I am not very crafty at all, mainly just scrapbook pages. But today i had a lingering feeling that I wanted my spoon ring back. The ring was much like this one shown on the left. only the heart shape was more defined and there was less flowers.
I thought i would go searching for one like it on etsy or e bay with no luck.My ring was so "unique" yet simple, i would have figured there would be lots of them out there....couldn't find a single one. Lots came close, but not to my liking. It was so me, yet was not made for me...i gave it back to the jerk that gave it to me. Now i am wishing that I didn't!
So then I had the idea that I would google how to make one...yeah right! i can try but i am going to ruin tons of poor helpless spoons in the process:( SO if anyone knows how to make one and has an inkling to, please let me know.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


One thing my family really likes to do during the summer time is go to the local cruise. here are some of my favorite pictures.