Monday, August 24, 2009

memories of the county fair

county fair

Ahh memories of the county fair growing up...testing my bravery by going on the scary rides, elephant ears, great music- all together a lot of fun!

These were taken last year, we are going to try to go to the state fair this year...even bigger and better :)

Last year they had Alaskan racing pigs and my daughter was picked as a section leader for the pig named strawberry. Strawberry won! They gave my daughter a ribbon for picking the winning pig....hmm next time i should take her to the track. JUST KIDDING!!!

So to see if i get any comments hehe, what is your favorite memory of the county fair? Did you ever go to one?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Here's looking at you kid!

This is my son Brighton. He was born in March of 2007. He is my miracle and the reason why I smile every morning...Good thing I named him such a cheerful name :)
I had 3 miscarriages in between my daughter and him. By my third miscarriage I was doing everything in my power to make sure that he would stay. Every night I asked him to stay with me. A little pathetic maybe but if you have ever had a miscarriage and really wanted to keep the baby then you know how it feels.
After he was born I was still a little paranoid and put a mirror over his bassinet to make sure he was still breathing at night.
I love both my kids equally, every mom says that and deep down they really mean it even though it doesn't always show. Now that I have my boy and my girl...I don't need any more...they complete me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

my nifty doo!

50's hair

After watching several tut.s on you tube by 2 of my favorite bloggers I just had to try doing one myself. I have long fine hair so I am lucky if i get my hair to curl but i was really proud of how this turned out...let me know what you think.

Friday, August 14, 2009

i want my ring back

Figured i would put this out there. I am not very crafty at all, mainly just scrapbook pages. But today i had a lingering feeling that I wanted my spoon ring back. The ring was much like this one shown on the left. only the heart shape was more defined and there was less flowers.
I thought i would go searching for one like it on etsy or e bay with no luck.My ring was so "unique" yet simple, i would have figured there would be lots of them out there....couldn't find a single one. Lots came close, but not to my liking. It was so me, yet was not made for me...i gave it back to the jerk that gave it to me. Now i am wishing that I didn't!
So then I had the idea that I would google how to make one...yeah right! i can try but i am going to ruin tons of poor helpless spoons in the process:( SO if anyone knows how to make one and has an inkling to, please let me know.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


One thing my family really likes to do during the summer time is go to the local cruise. here are some of my favorite pictures.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Daughter


A Little about my daughter, Mckenna. I hardly ever have to pose her. She is naturally this photogenic. SHe thinks of these posses all by herself so her personality really shines through. Only 6 years old and drama queen has always been her nickname. She is a ham and loves attention which makes it reall easy to take tons of pictures of her and play with them.




Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My little flower girl


I should say my little model :) My little girl has always given me reasons to take pictures :) You will find out that I take A LOT of pictures of her as my subject. In this case she was the flower girl in a friends wedding and after I curled her hair I knew it was just like mine and I had to take pictures before the curl would fade. here are a few more. Doesn't she look like she belongs in the 40's or 50's?




Thanks for viewing :) ~Jolene

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

a quick posting

A mommies day is full of things that need to be done RIGHT NOW so I am posting this really quickly and off i go again.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Ode to my dead camera

Alas poor camera, you had a good couple of years. You were my best friend for so long. to salute your final hurrah, here are a couple of the last pictures you took.


Now I must search for a new camera, one that can put up with my family :)