Tuesday, January 26, 2010

my first product review!

photo courtesy of Soap And Glory. com
Ok so I am not some kind of expert on beauty products or style but I wanted to share my opinion of Soap and Glory's Off Your Face cleansing cloths- available at Target.
I noticed the product first on Lisa Freemont Street's blog. Just a quick mention about Soap and Glory's retro product line...as she hadn't had the chance to try it out. I didn't really pay attention to it much since I don't normally find myself in Target.
But low and behold yesterday I was in Target looking for make up remover. Knowing my new slight obsession with vintage things my sister spotted the product line before I did.
They have a wide variety of products. Not only do they have cosemetics and skin care products, but they also have gift ideas and fragrences. All cutely marketed with retro looking advertising.
So I figured since I had a few extra dollars I gradded this off the shelf. Odbviously this is not really ment to be make up remover, but it works. This product reminds me more of Oxy or Clean and Clear cleansing pads but without the harsh burn of alcohol. They are also really soft with no harsh smell. I had to giggle when I read the ingredient list on thier website: Poreshrink-rs, glycerin and parfum.
I might be checking out some more of thier products when I get the chance to go back to Target. Check out thier website!http://www.soapandglory.com/us/

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When did I become such a homebody?

Tonight I kind of feel like this picture. But trust me this isn't how I see myself at all! I used to go out every night, once I started having kids of course that slowed down a lot. I used to jump at the chance of going out (after the kids are in bed and I know some one is there to watch them if they wake up...I have a household full of people by the way.) but tonight I passed. By Choice.
And then I ask myself...why???? As previously mentioned I used to love going out. So what is different about now? Have I grown out of the bar scene, yes but doesn't mean I couldn't still go out and have a good time.
The only thing I can think of is that Friday is my 29Th birthday. My last year to be "in my twenties". I have heard lots of people say 30 is the new 20...I'll believe it when I see it. Am I scared to be 30? NO,if I was scared of being twenty I would be having a mid life crisis going hog wild!
I maybe a little sad that I am getting older but I am that is no reason to stay home...right? Idk if anyone reads this let me know what you think.

Friday, January 8, 2010

SHamlessly promoting my friend

So I'm not very popular right now, well not at all actually lol, but I wanted to promote my friends new venture. She is really good at knitting and her first creation is this.

I will be purchasing one very shortly ( I actually owe her a lot) and hope to be modeling it soon. I think it is clever, a cap that you can actually wear a pony tail with! If anyone is interested right now that comes across this blog -currently she is only on Artfire under the name KPKnits. :)