Saturday, November 28, 2009

Donna Reed Wanna be

Ah the perfect family. Growing up I stayed up so very late in elementary school to watxh nick at night and the Donna Reed Show. How perfect was she? Pretty dresses, pretty hair always had dinner ready and a clean house and entertained guest. She was the perfect mom and I SOOOOOOO wanted to be her. Still do! Not realistic for todays day and age but wouldn't it be nice if we could just make it look this simple and perfect????

Sunday, November 15, 2009

pin up attempts

I will continue to try, maybe this blog will some day reflect my growth into style lol. Again inspired I took to trying to put my hair up in pin curls!

So much harder then it looks!

Butt... I was successful at doing my sisters hair!
So what did I learn this time???It's easier to mess with someone else's hair (especially since her hair is much shorter and will take a curl!) and once again my hair is way way too long. Maybe I should try to cut my own hair next...what kind of disaster could I do to myself?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

little darling

Tonight I had the whim to try my hand at some portraits. I had my tall hubby hang our good white sheet ( A really fancy sheet that we received as a wedding present that we thought was too nice to ever use LOL ) played with some lighting a bit and went to work so to speak. My son is a little too squirly to sit still for mommy pictures just yet so I got very few of him but my 6 year old photo diva is always willing to put up with me :) especially since I let her "dress up."
As I started to download the pictures and use my favorite free editing tool...we can't all own Photoshop, it prompted me that there was a new beta available! Yippie I was as giddy as a child at Christmas!!!! So I did a few of my normal tricks to see what the difference was. Here is two of my attempts.
Nothing spectacular had changed, they updated a few of the graphics but didn't add any tools...I guess what can I really ask for free? If anyone wants to know what I use or how I do the little graphics I do... feel free to ask.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween '09


Hope everyone had a great halloween!!I woke up at 3:30 a.m. just so I could do my hair for work (I work at 5 am pacific time so all you people on the east coast can have a 800 number and talk to someone who's first language is English.) I was a little disapointed that more co-workers did not dress up. It's the one time a year you can act like a kid again and be someone else for a day...why wouldn't you want to do that? So my quest for a 50's dress that would fir me didn't work out that great. Lots of 70's dresses near hippi town here (Eugene) but 50's was harder to come by. The ones I did find were too small for me...hmm wonder if I should start a little etsy shop? So I went to walley world and found a button up dress for $10 as well as a really cute garter belt :)

I had a lot of fun taking the kids trick or treating, Aren't they adoreable?


Hope everyone had a really great Halloween!