Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Geochaching...or why I haven't been on the computer lately

I had been curious about this hobby for a while now and finally decided to try it. I found I really enjoy it :)

So, what is GeoCaching (pronounced Geo Cash ing)? When I descride it to most people I say it's like a huge treasure hunt, not to be confused with a scavenger hunt.A scavenger hunt you have specific things on a list you are looking for. Geocaching you are given coordinates to locations posted on These will lead you to places where other people have hid "caches" which can be anything from the size of your pinky nail to a 10 gallon tub. Inside these caches you can find anything from a log sheet that you leave your mark on or SWAG (basically stuff you have around the house that you may or may not use.) Mostly toys from happy meals are considered swag.

Our family name and the kids displaying swag.

Not just a family hobby, because some of these can be quite tough. They send you on hikes in the forrest which I absolutley love. Once you find a cache you log your visit on the paper log if it isn't soaked and if you take some swag you need to replace it with other swag.
Me signing the log.

you would be amazed what you can find in your local area. right now my area within a 20 mile radius has 1290 caches. At first we didn't have gps so i was using google maps to help me pin point coords. We found a lot of golf balls and very few caches.

I broke down and we went to a pawn shop and bought a gps (garmen etrex) from $60.00 (usd) since then we have now found a total of 38 caches in the month we have been doing this. It's really a lot of fun. I highly recomend it.

geocaching,color splash

PS sorry for some of the pictures being so big I havem't resized them because I haven't been on the computer much :)