Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When did I become such a homebody?

Tonight I kind of feel like this picture. But trust me this isn't how I see myself at all! I used to go out every night, once I started having kids of course that slowed down a lot. I used to jump at the chance of going out (after the kids are in bed and I know some one is there to watch them if they wake up...I have a household full of people by the way.) but tonight I passed. By Choice.
And then I ask myself...why???? As previously mentioned I used to love going out. So what is different about now? Have I grown out of the bar scene, yes but doesn't mean I couldn't still go out and have a good time.
The only thing I can think of is that Friday is my 29Th birthday. My last year to be "in my twenties". I have heard lots of people say 30 is the new 20...I'll believe it when I see it. Am I scared to be 30? NO,if I was scared of being twenty I would be having a mid life crisis going hog wild!
I maybe a little sad that I am getting older but I am that is no reason to stay home...right? Idk if anyone reads this let me know what you think.

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