Saturday, December 5, 2009

Springfield Christmas Parade

I have been going to the Springfield Christmas Parade since I was a little girl. Growing up in a small town like Springfield Oregon it is just one of the staples of childhood around here. I was in it several times for Girl Scouts. I could tell you horror stories about walking in the "oldest and coldest parade in the North West." Today it was only 33 degrees outside but at least it didn't rain or hail :)

Springfield is a small town but we can throw a pretty good parade. Although most of the entries are either old cars or logging trucks.
covered wagon,christmas parade,springfield oregon


christmas parade,cars,decorated cars

Thurston Caberet,springfield oregon,Thurston High School

This cute dog got tired of the parade quickly

And of course what would a Christmas Parade be with out Old St. Nick?
Santa,springfield oregon,christmas parade

I'm looking forward to posting a lot more about Springfield and the surrounding area in the next year. I hope you enjoyed my little glimpse of the Springfield Christmas Parade.

1 comment:

  1. Cute, our santa parade is this weekend. I'm dragging my parner along whether he wants to come or not!
