Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My day at the cemetery

I know a lot of people that don't like cemeteries. Even more would think I am a weirdo to even want to hang around one, especially taking pictures in it and not knowing a single soul that was buried there...personally. But I am drawn to cemeteries for a few different reasons. So let me explain my favorite way by sharing these pictures.

#1 History!
Take for instance these pictures I took yesterday at the Eugene Masonic Cemetery.

The more notable historical pictures in that selection above start with the bottom picture, the first settler and namesake of Eugene. The Abbey pictured in the middle was modeled after a roman mausoleums and inside they have a time capsule that is not to be opened until was put there by the Masons in can only imagine what might be in there! The top left picture is really sad. Somewhere in that bit of forest is supposed to be the remains of Wiley Griffen one of who knows how many African Americans that actually lived in our area years and years ago. There is no marker to remember him and I think that is a huge problem...but a common problem at this cemetery, I will explain why in a little bit.

#2 The stones
Tombstones not only tell who a person was and how long they lived but some of them are so ornate that they really are just interesting to look at.

I tried to make the dedication on the one stone easier to really is sad and beautiful at the same time and reminds me of the dedication to Hero in Much Ado About Nothing.

But alas...The Eugene Masons have a lot of work on their hands. They started restoring this cemetery about ten years ago it had not been taken care of in years. I remember the first time I stumbled upon it driving around town on a dark night and seeing tombstones on the side of the hill. It scared me at first. The next time I found it was a couple of months later in the day had wild grass and bushes all over the place and you could not tell how big it actually was. Yesterday was the first time in the last ten years that I was actually able to explore the cemetery with my sister. I liked it of course but then was really disappointed to see the condition of some of the headstones.

I circled the stones in the pictures that were hidden behind brush. It is so sad to see how this cemetery seemed to have gotten forgotten through the years...and the "non historical people" are not kept up??? That is what I call disrespectful. I plan on putting my name down to volunteer next time they do clean up but it probably will not be until next spring/ summer.

Slightly off subject I also stopped by this fireplace on the north side of Skinner's Butte. Thought I would share these pictures too because it's still kind of interesting.

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